Program Overview
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Messages clés et questions et réponses - La principale source d’information pour les questions liées aux prêts des propriétaires-occupants - Prêt canadien pour des maisons plus vertes
Questions et réponses plus détaillées liées aux prêts des propriétaires - Réponses rapides : Prêt
Canada Greener Homes Loan Now Available
Complete major retrofits to your home through an interest-free loan of up to $40,000.
The Canada Greener Homes Loan is now available. As part of the Canada Greener Homes Initiative, the loan can help you finance eligible products and installations, that are both recommended by an energy advisor and eligible under the Canada Greener Homes Grant.
Before you get started:
- You need to be approved for the grant before applying for the loan. Only homeowners who are eligible for the Canada Greener Homes Grant can apply for the Canada Greener Homes Loan.
- You must have a pre-retrofit evaluation done and have your renovation upgrade report.
- You must be approved for the loan before you start your retrofits. You cannot apply for any retrofits you have already commenced.
- If you are applying from Quebec or Nova Scotia, you need to enroll through your provincial program before applying for the loan.
The Canada Greener Homes Loan Initiative is administered by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and delivered through Intellifi Corporation and Axiom Innovations. Accordingly, you may receive communications from time to time from the service providers in connection with your Greener Homes Loan.
For general questions or inquiries about the Canada Greener Homes Initiative, call 1-833-674-8282 or email nrcan.canadagreenerhomesgrant-subventionmaisonsvertes.rncan@canada.ca
If you have specific questions related to your Canada Greener Homes Loan Application, call 1-866-292-9517 or email questions@cghli.ca