Master Energy Advisor

We will be accepting MEA applications in July.

The Master Energy Advisor (MEA) designation is granted to highly-experienced registered energy advisors, who are members of CACEA in good standing.

The MEA further promotes the expertise of CACEA members and a career pathway for REAs to strive towards. The designation demonstrates to stakeholders the reliability, competencies and expertise of REA.

The MEA Committee meets two times a year (August and January) to review applications.


  • Add MEA after their name
  • MEA insignia that they can use in emails, on the website and other marketing  materials
  • Promotion in the e-News  which is sent to member and stakeholders
  • Recognition in the public facing and member-only directory
  • Listing of all MEAs on the CACEA website
  • Digital MEA stamp.


  • Be a “Full” member in good standing (E&O insurance, Code of Ethics, SO verification letter, current dues);
  • Have an annual 25 hours of CACEA continuing education credits at the time of applying over a 12-month period;
  • Have a minimum of 10 years as a practicing NRCan REA working in all sectors – both new and existing OR Have completed 500 ERS labels of a diverse variety (new, existing, different types of dwellings and labels within the past 3 years.
  • Successfully complete the CACEA/ACBOA NBC 9.36 Energy Code Training. (Initial MEA successful candidates in 2023 have until July 2024 to complete.)
  • Provide the required supplementary documentation highlighted on the application form .
  • Pay an application/annual fee of $250.00 plus tax.

Application Process:

  1. Complete an MEA Application Form and submit payment
  2. Client References: two (2) existing; two (2) new homes (within the past 2 years). References (Owner or Service Organization)  should identify the work conducted, outcomes and other relevant information.
  3. Industry Engagement: List with details of your role of industry engagement and outreach over the past two (2) years, e.g., training/course creation; training delivery; industry speaking engagements; white papers; research, case studies. (Minimum of two (2)  examples from the past two (2) years. (Excludes blogs and other social media engagement); industry councils, committees and working groups (list should include a contact).

Consulting/analysis Report: one (1); produced within past two (2) years; redacted of private information.

NOTE: CACEA will review applications received in January and July. Applications submitted will be held for the next review period.